Activating the Healing Powers of Substance Use Therapists

Committed to empowering the next generation of leaders to transform the landscape of substance use treatment and recovery

Meet Victoria

Victoria is a substance use therapist, CEO of Holistic Recovery Services providing therapy from a holistic and metaphysical approach to recovery. She speaks to empower therapists and agencies to incorporate mental fitness as a foundation of living for both therapists and clients to reduce therapist burnout and significantly improve client outcomes. She is a speaker/motivator for those in recovery to be the healers they trained to be when they healed themselves.

image of Victoria

How Your Audience Will Feel After My Talk:

1. Equipped for Self-Care

Attendees will feel encouraged and equipped with practical tools to nurture their own well-being and prevent burnout.

2. Moved to Make a Difference

I address the flaws in current treatment methods, offering thought-provoking solutions that inspire attendees to be part of the solution.

3. Inspired

Attendees leave inspired, equipped with practical strategies to enhance their mental fitness.

What Your Audience Will Get Out Of The Speaking Event:

1. Clarity on Systemic Challenges

people sitting in a group listening to one person speak

They'll clearly see where the system fails clients and learn effective ways to improve it.

2. New Treatment Perspectives

hands over a bowel

Therapists will adopt a more empathetic and adaptable approach, embracing alternative healing methods.

3. Motivation for Personal Action

a vase of leaves

Each attendee will leave with a renewed sense of purpose and the drive to implement changes in their own professional settings.

4. Client Empowerment Techniques

a therapy session with the therapist making notes

Discover how to nurture clients by recognizing their unique strengths, and transforming them into healers who can help others through their own experiences.

5. Purpose-Driven Therapy

a woman nestled in leaves looking joyous

Understand the limitations of treatments focused only on day-to-day survival, and explore ways to activate deeper soul purposes, like turning experiences into opportunities for helping others heal.

The Format Of Speaking Events

Victoria is available for virtual day-workshops/trainings, multi-day/week intensives, one-time in-person speaking engagements, as well as webinars and podcasts.

Past Speaking Events

Nanny Conference Lineup (2023)

victoria about to gently strike a singing bowl

Victoria was featured on the Nanny Conference lineup in 2023 for US Nanny Association talking about mental fitness for parents of kids aligned with the purpose of preventing substance use problems by healing the parents that are raising the next generations.

Happy and Confident Teen Summit

victoria holding a singing bowl that's placed on someone

Victoria was also featured on Happy and Confident Teen Summit, again addressing mental health of parents in order to support the next generation for healing and preventing substance use and mental health concerns.


“I just listened to your presentation for the Happy Teen Summit. I loved what you taught and would like to go deeper. Thanks!”


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